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」、演出「孝慈話劇」等。                                            時,十多年後父親便自己要求住老人院,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     regret  that  I  did  not  offer  all  my  filial        between  classes  and  child

                                                                 怕我照顧他辛苦,我與太太也選擇了附近                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     piety.  However,  her  words  always                   studied      management
                                                                 較清雅潔淨的老人院舍,讓他清閒地生活。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    echoed in my mind: “Be a good person.                  courses,  and  took  evening
                                                                        他看病的次數開始頻密,多虧太太悉心                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Do  your  best  to  develop  yourself,  raise          literature,  history  and  ph
                                                                 照料,女兒時常與他聊天,一家人天天都                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and care for your family.”                             three  years,  deepening  our
                                                                 過著和樂的日子。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               I  knelt  down  to  offer  tea  to  my                  Eastern and Western cultures.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        mother-in-law,        along      with      the         Working  hard  increased  our
         家立室,喜的是我可以與她分享我人生的                                                難捨難離的日子終於到來,父親總要離
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        traditional  red  packet  of  money  in                only a bit, but it helped us
         愛,我未能侍親長生,未能盡孝成為憾事                                      去,我為他寫了短短的文句:「一介草民
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        thanks  for  receiving  my  bride;  then  I            father and mother-in-law. My
         ,但她的叮嚀卻言猶在耳:「好好做人,                                      ,孝感淚流,點滴炁氣,懸壺濟世,誠敬
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        returned home to kneel and offer tea to                 used  up  his  retirement  fu
         盡自己的能力修身、齊家,照顧好家人。」                                     宗師,崇禮仙佛,心繫蒼生,不眠不休,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        My marriage to my wife occurred through                 mercifulness,  comprehension,  temperance,                              my  father.  The  wedding  ceremony  was               siblings  could  only  collec
                 傳統接新娘的紅封包少不了,跟著下跪                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Heaven’s  design.  We  met  through  a                  frugality,  genuineness,    propriety,  and
                                                                 舉,聖哲大道,默默耕耘,教之以身,廣                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     held     in    the    hall    of    Heaven’s           money to pay for his rent, so
         斟茶給岳母,然後回家下跪斟茶給父親。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             religious  community  called  Heaven’s                  harmony.  This was our challenge for the
                                                                 佈無畏。」                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Magnanimity  and  Holy  Teaching;  our                 for  him  to  live  near  our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Magnanimity        and     Holy     Teaching            future.                                                                 friends  filled  the  small  hall.  It  was  a          wife  and  I  took  turns  vi
         友們倒塞了小小的堂社,在歡天喜地的氣                                            父親給我講故事時,都是悲從中來,祖
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Religion,  where  we  got  to  know  each               We  invested  our  spare  time  into                                    joyous occasion, the two of us sincerely               also  encouraged  him  to  tr
         氛中進行,我倆莊嚴而肅穆地一齊唸誦:                                      父在父親九歲那年逝世,祖母一個人拉扯
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        other  and  fell  in  love.  We  have  many             community  service,  promoting  the                                     reciting  together  the  words:  “Destined             engage  in  activities  with
         「天緣德合,長斯相守,與道常存,八德                                      兩子一女毫不容易,她唯有從順德家鄉跑
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        memories  of  laughing  and  playing                    positive  attitudes  of  filial  piety  and                              to  be  united,  we  stand  together,  in              he was friends with. Filial p
         綱紀,五倫敦敦,道義為心,夫唱婦隨,                                      到香港打工,任何低微的工作都去做,為
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        together,  appreciating  flowers  and                    respect.  By  caring  for  others  we                                   accord  with  the  Way,  preserving  the               be  expressed  at  the  right
         與日同明,諄諄凜遵,大禮圓婚,降福增福。                                    了生活養孩子,甚至替人坐監賺取酬勞,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        writing  poems,  enjoying  ball  games,                 sometimes  were  able  to  dissolve                                     eight  virtues,  sincere  in  all  relations,          years  later  my  father  req
                (1983-01-09)蜜月的假期總是過得很快                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 exuding  the  simple  enthusiasm  of                    hostility and bring peace.                                              principled and righteous, a harmonious                 moved  to  a  home  for  the
         ,我們的斗室安樂窩,不久愛情結晶又到                                                所以父親從未逆她半句,這是父親的身                                                                                                                                                                            youth.                                                                                                                          couple, consistent and eternal. Through                because he didn’t want to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                To promote love, care, compassion and
         來,真正有一家人的熱鬧和忙碌,我每天                                      教。他經常跟我說,人要多方面研究事物                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     this grand ceremony and wedding, may                   to us. So we decided on a cle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        We  both  liked  to  study  traditional                 filial piety, we organized events such as
         親自用電飯煲煮鷄酒替她補身。從《禮記                                      ,智慧才有進步,孝於天地是為了蒼生萬                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     blessings flow and flourish.”                            nearby where he could live in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        culture.  We  joined  various  Chinese                  evening  gatherings  to  respect  the
         》:「大學之道,在明明德,在親民,在止                                     物,孝於社稷是為了社會民眾,孝於父母
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        philosophy  courses,  as  well  as  courses             elderly, and performances such as “The                                  (1983-01-09)  The  honeymoon  period                   He started seeing the doctor
         於至善。」從中為女兒改了一個名「善明」                                     或長輩是為了回饋珍貴的生命。他教授我
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        in  East-West  religion  and  philosophy.               Drama  of  Filial  Piety”.  When  I  met  my                            always  goes  by  so  fast.  Not  long  after,         thanks  to  my  wife’s  care
         ,祈望她成為頂天立地的君子,至善明德。                                     氣功替人治病,如何安慰病者,「醫病復
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Whenever  we  got  together,  we  would                 future mother-in-law for the first time, I                               the crystallization of our love arrived in             daughter’s  frequent  visits,
                 除了工作外,我不忘進修學習,在管理                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      talk  about  the  meaning  of  life,  the               was  both  excited  and  nervous.  I  didn't                            our  little  nest.  It  became  a  lively  and         had many peaceful and happy d
         學及相關的工業技能科目外,我和太太同                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             process  of  growth,  family  life  and  filial          dare to talk too much, but I felt her care                              busy  home.  I  prepared  special  chicken
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The  day  finally  arrived  th
         時帶小孩,互相輪班料理女兒,又繼續修                                             步入中年,希望多做一些推動文化的工                                                                                                                                                                               piety  to  parents,  and  even  topics  such            and love for me, just like a son!                                       broth  for  my  wife  every  day.  For  my
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               was leaving us. I wrote a sho
         讀晚間文、史、哲課程三年,加深了對中                                      作,便開始用禮套入生命教育之中。首先                                                                                                                                                                                     as war and greed.                                                                                                               daughter’s  name,  we  chose  characters
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                On the way home, remembering my own                                                                                            for him: “For a man of the pe
         西文化的學識。                                                 是「成人加冠禮」,提示青年學生要有責                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     from the Book of Rites, meaning “good
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        We talked about raising our own family,                 mother who is in heaven, I was struck by                                                                                       tears  flow;  every  drop  of
                                                                 任與承擔,擔負家庭的責任就是孝養父母                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and bright”, from the verse, “The way of
                勤力的工作只能夠增加些微收入,但孝                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and chose 20 Chinese characters as our                  feelings of both joy and sorrow. Sorrow                                                                                        collected  for  the  world;
                                                                 ,還有少年學子的「尊師孝親禮」,尊師                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     great  learning  consists  in  manifesting
         敬父親和岳母則大幅提昇,父親退休後花                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             principles:  loyalty,  altruism,  integrity,            because  she  could  not  see  my  family                                                                                      masters,  honouring  the  god
                                                                 重道勤學習,孝親敬長愛家庭。設計禮服                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     one's  bright  virtue,  loving  the  people,
         掉了退休金,兄弟姊妹只能花錢租地方給                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             straightforwardness,           magnanimity,             and  accomplishments  with  her  own                                                                                           buddhas,  caring  for  the  c
                                                                 和冠帽,是妻子在背後的大力支持,搬抬                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     concluding in goodness.”
         他居住,我便安排他住在我家附近,方便                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             uprightness,  righteousness,  trustworthiness,          eyes. Joy because I could share with her                                                                                       people,     never     resting
         我和太太輪流探望他,同時鼓勵他和一位                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             forbearance,    impartiality,  universal                the love in my life. As I could not attend                              Apart  from  working,  I  did  not  forget  to         heaven’s  grace,  inheriting
         好朋友夫婦多去旅行和活動。孝的確要及                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             brotherhood,  filial  piety,  benevolence,               my  parents  until  their  old  age,  I  felt                           train and study. My wife and I took turns              enlightening  the  future;  h


         and  kind-hearted,  righteous  in  action,              First  it  was  the  Adulthood  Crowning                               the better of us, but when the moment                   hurt their children.
         following  the  way  of  the  sage,  working            Ceremony,  to  remind  teenage  students                               passed and we remembered the life that
                                                                                                                                                                                                So,  with  an  attitude  of  filial  piety,  we
         silently,  embodying  the  teachings,  and              to  be  aware  of  and  take  charge  of  the                          our parents gave us, we were reminded
                                                                                                                                                                                                must  be  patient  with  our  parents’
         spreading fearlessness.”                                responsibilities of life. Responsibility at                            of the need to respect and forgive each
                                                                                                                                                                                                requests,  grateful  for  our  life,  and
                                                                 home     means      showing      filial   piety                         other. If we left some space for the other
         Most  of  the  stories  my  father  told  me                                                                                                                                           respectful  towards  the  words  of  our
                                                                 towards  our  parents,  and  caring  for                               to  cool  off,  things  always  eased  back
         were  tragic.  My  grandfather  died  when                                                                                                                                             teachers, then our wisdom will increase.
                                                                 them. Then it was a ceremony to respect                                into harmony.
         my  father  was  nine.  My  grandmother                                                                                                                                                No matter where we are, our future will
                                                                 teachers  and  be  filial  to  parents,  to
         struggled  to  care  for  two  sons  and  a                                                                                    My  daughter  once  asked  me,  “Why  do                be happy and peaceful. "The red leaves
                                                                 encourage  youngsters  to  respect  their
         daughter.  To  provide  for  her  children,                                                                                    we  need  to  endure  our  parents’                     are flying, the fragrance drifts far away,
                                                                 teachers,  value  principles  and  study
         she  had  to  leave  her  hometown  and                                                                                        mistakes?”  Parents  are  not  perfect                  and the air spreads kindness, filial piety,
                                                                 hard; to be filial to their parents, respect
         come to Hong Kong, where she did any                                                                                           saints.  They  could  make  mistakes.  But              courtesy  and  happiness.  The  hymn  of
                                                                 their  elders  and  love  their  families.  My
         work  she  could  to  earn  money  to  send                                                                                    the  parental  heart  towards  children  is             life  is  a  clear  and  cherished  treasure."
                                                                 wife  supported  me  by  designing  the
         home. She was even paid to go to prison                                                                                        always  the  same;  parents  would  never               This we should remember.
                                                                 ceremonial  clothes  and  headpieces,
         for someone else’s crime!
                                                                 and  together  we  carried  the  items
         That  is  why  my  father  never  said
                                                                 around,  doing  rehearsals,  distributing
         anything  against  his  mother.  This  was
                                                                 outfits,  and  always  moving  together.  I
         the  example  he  set  for  me.  He  would
                                                                 am  at  a  loss  for  words  to  express  my
         often tell me that people need to look at
                                                                 gratitude towards her.
         things  from  many  directions;  only  then
                                                                 Then  we  added  another  activity,  a
         can  we  grow  in  wisdom.  Filial  piety  to
                                                                 Chinese  Cultural  Life  Education  Play
         heaven and earth is for all living things;
                                                                 competition.  The  first  was  titled  “Filial
         filial piety to the God of land and grain is
                                                                 Piety”.  The  other  topics  were  Loyalty,
         for society and the people; filial piety to
                                                                 Altruism, Integrity, Straightforwardness,
         parents  or  elders  is  gratitude  for  the
                                                                 Magnanimity,  Uprightness,  Righteousness,
         precious life we received.
                                                                 Trustworthiness,  Forbearance,  Impartiality,
         He  taught  me  qigong,  to  help  cure
                                                                 Universal  Brotherhood,  Filial  Piety,
         diseases,  and  how  to  comfort  the  sick.
                                                                 Benevolence, Mercifulness, Comprehension,
         He said that healing the sickness while
                                                                 Temperance,  Frugality,  Genuineness,
         healing  the  heart  is  the  work  of
                                                                 Propriety, and Harmony.
         benevolence.  It  requires  care  and
                                                                 The joyful times with my wife were not
         comfort;  it  cannot  be  careless  and
                                                                 spent  traveling  and  playing,  or  eating
                                                                 and  drinking.  They  mostly  involved
         As I entered middle age, I wanted to do
                                                                 cultural     activities,    studying,      and
         more  to  promote  our  culture,  so  I
                                                                 enjoying  things  together.  Of  course,
         started  to  introduce  ceremonies  into
                                                                 there were times when our opinions did
         life education.
                                                                 not  match,  or  when  our  emotions  got
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